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Conservation, Natural Resources, Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Watercraft, Waterfow
Department of Natural Resources regulates Illinois' conservation and outdoor recreation efforts
Illinois Boat Registration
Illinois boat registration, titling & safety act digest
Illinois Boating Safety Education
The Illinois Boating Education Course consists of a minimum eight hours of instruction. These courses cover the basics of boating safety, equipment and requirements, navigation, motorboat, registration and titling, emergency measures and the Illinois boating laws.
Illinois DNR Division of Education 
The Division of Education is responsible for the development, training, and dissemination of educational programs and events; and for providing hands-on outdoor education and recreational programming for park visitors.
Illinois DNR Stuff for Teachers 
Illinois DNR Stuff for Teachers page contains information for teachers regarding curriculum, activities and workshops
Illinois Division of Fisheries Home Page
The mission of the Illinois Division of Fisheries is to demonstrate leadership through education and scientifically-based management for the protection, restoration and enhancement of fisheries and other aquatic resources, and promotion of responsible utilization in Lake Michigan, Reservoirs, Impoundments, and Streams.
Illinois Fishing Guide
A guide to Illinois fishing brought to you by the deparment of natural resources.
Illinois Fishing License Page
Illinois Fishing License Page - **Anglers under 16 years of age, and persons declared legally disabled or blind, may fish without a license. Owners or tenants (if they reside on the land) may fish in waters on or flowing over their lands without a license. This exemption does not apply to club and organizational lakes or lake developments.
Illinois Stuff for Kids to Do 
Illinois DNR Stuff for Kids contains activities and clubs for kids to join