Results 1 - 15 of at least 27
American Rivers Online
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and restoring America's rivers.
American Sportfishing Association Homepage
American Sportfishing Association Homepage providers information, newslettes educational links and more about fishing.
American Water Resources Association
Home page of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), an organization dedicated to improving the management of our aquatic resources.
An Examination of the Relationship Between Recreational Boating
Widespread recognition of the absence of formal program evaluations and related research to guide aquatic resource and stewardship educators manifested itself as a priority concern at the initial February 2000 meeting of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation’s (RBFF)Education Task Force. The task force was formed to address the educational component of the strategic plan of the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council’s outreach and communication program.
Anglers’ and Boaters’ Attitudes Toward Various Messages that Communicate the Ben
Four focus groups were conducted for the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation in early February 2001 with lapsed anglers and lapsed boaters in order to identify core messages that best communicate the benefits of recreational boating and fishing and aquatic stewardship and resonate well with the target audience. Two focus groups were conducted in Tampa, Florida, one with lapsed anglers and a separate group with lapsed boaters, while mixed groups of lapsed anglers and lapsed boaters were conducted in Denver, Colorado and Cleveland Ohio. “Lapsed” anglers and “lapsed” boaters were operationally defined as individuals who had taken part in recreational fishing and/or boating in the past 5 years, but not in the past 12 months.
Aquatic Resources Education Association 
The Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) is a not for profit organization dedicated to supporting the efforts of its members to provide the highest quality aquatic resources education programs possible. Boat Owners Association of the United States
This website offers a wealth of boating information. Boaters can find links to boating safety classes and information, boat registry, insurance, financing, and more.
EETAP - Delivering Quality EE training and support to teachers 
North American Association for Environmental Education and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are working together on this national project to deliver quality environmental education training and related support services to education professionals.
Environmental Literacy Council 
The Environmental Literacy Council is a non-profit organization established to bring together scientists, economists, educators, and other experts to inform environmental studies
Future Fisherman Foundation
Future Fisherman Foundation: Educational arm of the American Sportfishing Association. Future Fisherman Foundation programs include Hooked On Fishing - Not On Drugs, 4-H Sportfishing program, Fishing Tackle Loaner Program, and Youth Camp Fishing Initiatives. The Foundation is your best source for training, fishing videos, educational materials, fishing tackle, and other materials used by teachers and youth leaders teaching sportfishing and aquatic conservation.
NFBW - Plan An Event
Tips for being an ethical boater and angler. Ethics cannot be dictated. They develop with time, experience and interaction with others. The following code is offered as a guideline to increase awareness and encourage discussion.
NFBW - Plan An Event

The national campaign creates a unique opportunity for you to get involved during National Fishing and Boating Week, June 5-13, 2004. To assure your success, we provide all the materials you need to publicize your event. You can customize any of the materials to advertise your local event:
NFBW - Plan An Event
Next year's National Fishing and Boating Week will be June 5-13, 2004. Check out the website for materials to help you get started! And mark your calendars for June 4-12 for NFBW 2005!
Oregon Coast Aquarium - Newport
Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport, Oregon. Sea life at sea level. Former home of Keiko, killer whale star of the Free Willy films.
Participation in Boating and Fishing: A literature review
The purpose of this project was to assist the RBFF by reviewing the existing literature available on participation by individual market segments in recreational angling and boating. The RBFF has identified five criteria which priority market segments