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Becoming an Outdoors Woman - Montana
The Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program is designed to offer hands-on instruction to women in a relaxed non-intimating atmosphere. This page has information about Montana's BOW programs.
Boating Information Page - Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
This is Montana's general boating information page with links to registration, life jackets, personal watercraft, age limits, and more.
Bull Trout Identification and Education Program
The Treasure State offers great fishing opportunities. Montana's spectacular trout streams and lakes are legendary across the nation. In fact, many consider Montana an angler's dream. One of the most important parts of this wonderful resource is Montana's largest native trout: the bull trout. Bull trout have declined across their range. Agencies and citizens have united across the west to help conserve this important part of our native heritage in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, as well as in Montana.
Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation
The mission of the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation is to provide private support for critical efforts of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and to take a leadership role in preserving and enhancing Montana's natural, cultural and recreational resources for future generations.
Montana Education Trunks - Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 
Education trunks available from Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. These trunks have materials and activities for school-aged children.
Montana Field Guide - Fish, Wildlife and Parks
The Montana Animal Field Guide is the product of a partnership between Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the Natural Heritage Program. The Natural Heritage Program was established by the Montana State Legislature in 1983, the program is located in the Montana State Library, where it is part of the Natural Resource Information System.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Includes hunting and fishing regulations, information on state parks, Montana wildlife, news releases, education and more.
Pallid stugeon in Montana
Information about Montana's endangered pallid sturgeon. The pallid sturgeon is the larger of two sturgeons historically found in the upper Missouri River. The other is the more common shovelnose sturgeon. The pallid sturgeon was not recognized as a species until 1905 and that classification is still being debated. Three genetic studies conducted to assess the relationship of the two species have been inconclusive.;/endanger...
Project WILD - Montana 
Project WILD is one of the most widely used conservation and environmental education programs among educators of students in kindergarten through high school. Project WILD is based on the premise that young people and educators have a vital interest in learning about our natural world. The program emphasizes wildlife--because of its intrinsic and ecological values, as well as its importance as a basis for teaching how ecosystems function.