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Murky Waters: Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in the US: Download PDF Files
The international seafood industry is undergoing a major transition. The percentage of seafood from wild fisheries is steadily decreasing, and fish farming is the source of a steadily increasing percentage of seafood in the United States and worldwide. Unfortunately, existing aquaculture operations can be a significant source of chemical and biological pollutants and nutrient wastes. Download PDF Files
Download PDF File: Murky Waters - entire pdf document (9.1 MB)
New Jersey Wildlife Viewing Guide
The NJ Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife is proud to announce the publication of the New Jersey Wildlife Viewing Guide. The publication of the Guide is the culmination of a two year project coordinated by the Division's Endangered and Nongame Species Program to establish a network of viewing sites through the state.
New Jersey-SEEDS-The Clean Water Book: Choices for Water Resource Protection 
Everyday New Jersey's eight million residents tap a finite resource-water. The Clean Water Book helps citizens and students of all ages to determine how to reduce water pollution and water usage.
Reed's Nautical Almanac - Books, Tides, Currents, Charts, Weather, Boating, Sail
Reed's Nautical Almanacs - Your comprehensive nautical reference 1-800-995-4995 email: info@ReedsAlmanac.comThomas Reed Publications, Inc.
Rope Works- a book on rope, knots, splicing, and lashing
A page describing the knots and hitches found in Rope Works. Whether scouting or outdoors recreation, you will learn to tie knots with confidence.
Safety on the Sea
Safety on the Sea - an online book on boating safety
Understanding Water Rights and Water Conflicts
Understanding Water Rights and Conflicts Book