Results 1 - 15 of at least 45
Adopt Your Watershed: U.S. EPA Students' Center
Adopt Your Watershed: U.S. EPA Students' Center maintains a database of more than 3,000 groups that you might want to join, plus check out Fifteen Things You can Do to Make a Difference in Your Watershed.
American Heritage Rivers-Homepage
The American Heritage Rivers initiative is an innovative response to help river communities that seek federal assistance and other resources to meet some tough challenges.
Chemical Contamination in Fish: U.S. EPA Student Center
This is a Windows update of the original FISH program. It contains video clips illustrating concepts such as bioaccumulation, and risk reduction techniques (including cooking and filleting tips). Users can search a list of chemical contaminants and learn about their effects, or see photos and video of target species.
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has conducted a volunteer water quality monitoring program since 1985 and is a model for other communities. This article is part of the EPA "cook book" of successful environmental efforts and ideas for communities, organizations, businesses and governments to emulate.
Chollas Creek Watershed Protection Project
The goal of the Chollas Creek (California) Watershed Protection Project was to measurably improve the quality of water entering San Diego Bay from its watershed and to provide a model protection plan which could be adapted to other watersheds. This article is part of the EPA "cook book" of successful environmental efforts and ideas for communities, organizations, businesses and governments to emulate.
Clean Lakes Program
EPA's information resources about clean lakes, including links to on-line documents, the latest [1994] published 305(b) report, and ordering instructions for other documents about clean lakes
Community Service Projects: EPA EnvEd Center 
Community service projects allow students to apply the lessons learned in the classroom to real-life situations and experiences. Here you will find ideas for community service projects as well as a listing of events in your local area.
Contacts & Other Links: U.S. EPA EnvEd Center
A collection of environmental education links from the USEPA
Curriculum, Resources, and Activities: U.S. EPA EnvEd Center 
The US EPA's Environmental Education Curriculum link for teachers
EETAP - Delivering Quality EE training and support to teachers 
North American Association for Environmental Education and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are working together on this national project to deliver quality environmental education training and related support services to education professionals.
EPA > Wetlands > America's Wetlands: Our Vital Link > America's Wetlands - Co
Welcome to "America's Wetlands." This site will give you a better understanding of the rich variety of wetlands, their importance, how they are threatened, and what can be done to conserve them for future generations.
EPA > Water > Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds > Oceans, Coasts, and Estuaries > R
EPA's site for information about navigating and complying with environmental regulations on US naviagable waters
EPA Explorers Club 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's site for kids. Lots of fun and interesting things to read and do to learn about the environment.
EPA Fish Consumption Advisories
Public health and safety information from the EPA on the risks associated with eating certain contaminated fish species.
EPA Grant-Writing Tutorial
Before developing a grant proposal, it is vitally important to understand the goals of the particular federal agency or private organization, and of the grant program itself. This can be accomplished through discussions with the information contact listed in each resource description . Through these discussions an applicant may find that, in order for a particular project to be eligible for funding, the original concept may need to be modified to meet the criteria of the grant program. In allocating funds, grantmakers base their decisions on the applicant's ability to fit its proposed activities within the grantmaker's interest areas.