Results 1 - 15 of at least 22
Center for Environmental Research Education -- Connecticut
The Department of Environmental Protection's Center for Environmental Research Education focuses on environmental monitoring, inventorying and research methods in the areas ofFresh Water and Marine Ecology, Terrestrial Systems Ecology, and Environmental Science Education.
Connecticut 2004 Boater's Guide
Connecticut 2004 Boater's Guide - Your Guide to Where and How to have fun safely boating Connecticut waters.
Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education Program
CARE classes introduce you to the wonders of water, fish and fishing. Our Certified Instructors pass along the knowledge they have learned through years of angling. Videos, demonstrations and activities teach and entertain youths and adults alike. The program is comprised of free classes and outdoor workshops which foster resource stewardship, promote an understanding of aquatic systems and fishery management decisions and encourage both an understanding and utilization of aquatic resources.
Connecticut Boating - Tides and Currents
The mariner should be familiar with the effects of the tides and currents in Long Island Sound. This body of water rises and falls every 12 hours, and vast amounts of water move through places like Race Point on the western tip of Fisher's Island, Plum Gut on Long Island and Hells Gate in New York on the western end of the Sound.
Connecticut Clean Vessel Act Program
Connecticut Clean Vessel Act Program Home Page - This website will help you find a pumpout facility near you, and to install or upgrade sewage holding tank systems to be in compliance with existing laws governing marine sanitation devices (MSD's). You will find information on how to choose a system, sewage system design and the selection of system components, plus helpful tips for installation and maintenance. You will also find information about the Federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program.
Connecticut DEP Calendar of Events
The CT DEP Calendar of Events provides information on scheduled DEP events and activities, including Park and Nature Programs, Public Hearings, Public Meetings, Classes, Professional Exams, Seminars and Conferences.
Connecticut DEP Environmental Protection Programs
Connecticut DEP Environmental Protection Programs including: GreenCircle Program, Enforcement and Compliance Assistance, Bureau of Air Management, Bureau of Waste Management, Bureau of Water Management, Office of Long Island Sound Programs, Permit Information, Performance Partnership Agreement, and Requirement to Report Certain Environmental Hazards.
Connecticut DEP News
Connecticut DEP News links to current information and press releases
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
The Department of Environmental Protection's mission is to conserve, improve and protect the natural resources and environment of Connecticut for present and future generations.
Connecticut Environmental Education Workshops 
Details on CT classes for teachers and environmental educators: Aquatic Project WILD, Project WILD, Project WET, Project Learning Tree, and more.
Connecticut Environmental and Health Updates
Connecticut Environmental and Health Updates, including mercury reports, fish consumption advisories, forest fire warnings, water and air quality information, lobster reports and more.
Connecticut Fisheries Licences and Permits
Fishing license information and several Fisheries Division application forms for permits and licenses are available as a .pdf document
Connecticut Goodwin Conservation Center
Connecticut Goodwin Conservation Center provides programs to the public. Call for information.
Connecticut Project SEARCH - Water Quality Education 
The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the Science Center of Connecticut developed Project SEARCH as a science and mathematics systemic change initiative. Since then, 224 teachers from 123 public and private high schools throughout Connecticut have been trained and equipped to conduct stream water quality monitoring and data analysis.
Connecticut Recreation and Natural Resources
Bureau of Natural Resources, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Environmental and Graphic Information Center