Results 1 - 15 of at least 27
Aquatic Animals Activity Book
A 16-page activity book about critters that live in and around the water.
IA DNR: Recreational Safety and Education Programs
The Iowa DNR Law Enforcement Bureau offers a variety of recreational education safety programs to students age 12 or older.
Iowa Boating Education
Iowa Boating education information pages - An owner or operator shall not permit any person under twelve years of age to operate the personal watercraft unless accompanied in or on the same personal watercraft by a responsible person of at least eighteen years of age. However, commencing January 1, 2003, a person who is twelve years of age or older but less than eighteen years of age shall not operate any personal watercraft unless the person has successfully completed a department-approved watercraft safety course.
Iowa Boating Regulations in pdf format
Iowa Boating Regulations in pdf format - what you need to know to comply with Iowa's boating laws.
Iowa DNR - Aquatic Education Demonstration Models 
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources provides models to accompany activities from Aquatic Project Wild. This page tells you how to get a hold of them.
Iowa DNR - Education Resources 
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources education information page.
Iowa DNR - Fish Iowa!
This pamphlet is only an introductory guide to the fish found in Iowa's waters. Information for the text herein was obtained from the book Iowa Fish and Fishing
Iowa DNR Aquatic Education 
Resources and training opportunities for teachers and youth leaders. The Aquatic Education Program provides a variety of educational materials and training opportunities to educators and youth leaders free of charge, including: Action/Involvement Programs;Aquatic Animals Activity Book; Aquatic habitat and species fact sheets; Biodiversity of Iowa: Aquatic Habits CD; Demonstration Models/Kits
Fish Iowa!; Information about Iowa's waters, forests, and wildlife;
Projects WILD Aquatic, WILD, and Learning Tree.
Iowa DNR Education pages
Lists resources, materials, and workshop opportunities for citizens, educators/youth leaders, kids, and resource professionals
Iowa DNR Educator/Youth Leader page
Lists field trip locations, educational resources/activity manuals, and workshop/training opportunities
Iowa DNR Fisheries Bureau
This one-stop source for all of your fishing needs can provide you information on fishing news and events, Iowa fish species, the best places to catch whatever fish you are looking for, the DNR's stocking and improvement programs, educational materials and programs, maps and publications, or just about anything else you may want to know about the DNR's Fisheries Bureau and what it does in Iowa.
Iowa DNR Fisheries Programs
For management of Iowa's public waters for fishing, the Fisheries Bureau of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has three separate programs that rely on each other to accomplish their tasks.
Iowa DNR Fishing News and Information
Iowa's Fishing Information Source - news, reports, forecasts, maps, quizzes, information, stockings, hot spots, consumption advisories, and more
Iowa DNR Kid's page
Fun games and activities about different topics such as air quality and aquatic animals. Also includes links to other environmental webpages for kids.
Iowa DNR Publications Listing
A list of guides, pamphlets, magazines, and maps published by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They can be obtained using the order form at the bottom of this page. Several of the publications are also available online