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Boating Education in Kansas
Boating education defined. Boating education teaches boaters to be safe, knowledgeable, and responsible. To maintain U.S. Coast Guard recognition the state's course must be a minimum of eight hours in length, although most classes are about nine hours. Courses are organized and conducted by volunteer instructors in many communities across the state. These dedicated instructors believe that boating education holds the key to the future of boating. The course covers navigation, trailering, equipment requirements, personal watercraft, safety tips, drugs and alcohol, self rescue, and marine theft.
Kansas Aquatic Education 
The small, freckle-faced 6-year-old boy with wispy-brown hair bit his lip as he struggled and grunted with his task at hand. He had just hooked his first fish and was intent on landing it, oblivious to the shrieks and cheers of other children around him. He finally beached his prize, a fat and flopping 2-pound channel catfish, and smiled with an ear-to-ear grin worth a thousand words. This is a scene replayed countless times by many children during fishing clinics sponsored by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.
Kansas Boating - U.S.Aids to Navigation System (ATON)
Buoys and markers are the "traffic signals" that guide vessel operators safely along some waterways. They also identify dangerous or controlled areas and give directions and information. As a recreational vessel operator you will need to know the lateral navigation markers and non-lateral markers of the U. S. Aids to Navigation System.
Kansas Boating Education
Boating Education - commitment to safe, responsible behavior and constructive actions concerning the use of Kansas aquatic resources.
Kansas Boating Education - Online safety courses
Instructors advertise their classes in local newspapers, over radio, and on television. Posters could be put up at sporting goods stores, marinas, and park offices. A list of classes is sent to all department store sporting goods departments, marinas, park offices, and boat dealers.
Kansas Boating Education Class Listing
Kansas Boating Education Class Listing and Schedule
Kansas Boating Guide
Information on boating in Kansas. This is a PDF file and may take a few moments download on a modem connnection.
Kansas Boating Information
Information on Kansas' boating laws. The page includes links to lots of detailed information about boats and boating.
Kansas Boating Requirements and Safety
Kansas Boating Safety Information Central - Take a boating safety class offered by Wildlife and Parks, US Power Squadrons or US Coast Guard Auxiliary.Know your boat's limit and don't exceed it. A safe boat is a well-equipped boat. Always carry the necessary safety gearKeep life jackets visible and accessible . . . and never make someone feel uncomfortable if they choose to wear a life jacket.Learn "the rules of the road" . . . and obey them!
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Education
The Education Branch of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks is responsible for wildlife-related educational programs.
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks home page
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks home page
Kansas Fishing
Kansas Division of Wildlife and Parks Fishing Page. That's right. Kansas fishing isn't what it used to be. It's much more. Oh, we still have some of the best channel, flathead and blue catfishing to be found, but today Kansas anglers have great variety.
Kansas Fishing Reports
Kansas Fishing Reports by region - where the fishing is hot and where it's not.
Kansas Fishing Reports
Kansas Fishing Forcast with links to documents
Kansas Freshwater Fish Records
Kansas fishing records for freshwater species.