Results 1 - 15 of at least 22
Fishing in Maine
This site is designed to keep the fisherman informed. Includes links to stocking reports, regulations, state records and tournaments. Also includes sporting camps and guide listings by region.
Main Fish Health Lab
The Fish Health Laboratory is located in a rural setting on the Burns Road in Augusta, Maine. Spring Brook flows nearby through the woods where deer are seen often. Governor Hill Fish Hatchery is in close proximity, which is fed by Spring Brook.
Main Fish Health Lab - Issues
List of issues that affect fish health. Comprehensive links to details on a large variety of fish diseases.
Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission
The purpose of the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission is to protect, conserve, restore, manage and enhance Atlantic salmon habitat, populations and sport fisheries within historical habitat in all (inland and tidal) waters of the State of Maine.
Maine Becoming an Outdoors Woman
Maine Becoming an Outdoors Woman. This page contains the basic information for Becoming an Outdoors Woman in Maine.
Maine Boating Laws and Safety Information
Maine Boating laws 2004- your source for the information you need to boat safely.
Maine Current Fish Consumption Guidelines
Warnings on Eating Fish Caught in Maine Waters - The Bureau of Health is responsible for recommending the warnings on eating fish based on the presence of chemicals
Maine Dept of Marine Resources
Maine Dept of Marine Resources Homepage with directions, contact information and links
Maine Educational Programs/Information 
Maine Educational Programs/Information - Project WILD, teacher resources, curriculum, Maine Conservation Camps, Hooked on Fishing and more
Maine Invasive Aquatic Plants
Maine is now the only New England state that does not have serious problems with invasive aquatic plants. This page has information on Maine's efforts to keep invasives out of the state.
Maine License Information - hunting, fishing, boating, and more
Maine License Information - Residents and nonresidents may obtain licenses and registrations from license agents throughout the state (sporting goods stores, many convenience stores and town clerks) online from our website, or by mail from the Department office in Augusta, ME.
Maine Open Water Fishing Regulations Database
Maine Open Water Fishing Regulations Database
Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund
The Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund conserves wildlife and open spaces through the sale of instant Lottery tickets.
Maine Project WILD 
Maine Project WILD homepage - find information here about the program, events and schedule.
Maine Recreational Vehicle Page
Maine Recreational Vehicle Page - The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is responsible for the registration of and enforcement of rules and regulations as they pertain to boats, snowmobiles, and ATVs.