Results 1 - 15 of at least 16
Boating Safety Education Class Schedule -New Hampshuire
New Hampshire Bureau of Marine Patrol Boating Safety Education Class Schedule
Fish Hatcheries and Visitor Centers
Visit one of our hatcheries or visitor/education centers in the state. At Fish and Game's fish hatcheries, learn about how fish are hatched and reared. All hatcheries are open year-round, daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided tours are available by reservation. The Twin Mountain and Warren hatcheries also have educational centers. These hatcheries are staffed by a dedicated, hardworking group of individuals who not only understand the technical challenges of raising fish... they also love to fish themselves!
Fish Species Profiles for Popular N.H. Fish
New Hampshire Fish Facts - information about the fish you'll find in New Hampshire waters, from species identification to natural history.
New Hampshire Becoming an Outdoors Woman
Becoming an Outdoors Woman - A workshop focused on the learning of outdoor skills
New Hampshire Boating Education Courses
New Hampshire Boating Education Courses Information - Boating Education courses are offered by The Department of Safety, Division of Safety Services, Marine Patrol. To register for a course, please call 1-603-293-0091 or our toll free number: 1-888-254-2125.
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Home Page
New Hampshire Fishing
New Hampshire Fishing information - where to find fish, what to fish for, fishing records and more.
New Hampshire Fishing Guides
This page lists guides who will take you fishing in New Hampshire for a fee.
New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Regulations
This is the 2003 digest of New Hampshire freshwater fishing laws in PDF format.
New Hampshire Let's Go Fishing Program 
Let's Go Fishing is part of the New Hampshire Fish & Game Department's Aquatic Resources Education Program and is designed to teach families basic ecological concepts, fishing skills and new ways to enjoy the outdoors together.
New Hampshire Nongame & Endangered Wildlife
The Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program is working to sustain that special quality of life by protecting nongame wildlife animals that are not hunted, fished or trapped.
New Hampshire Saltwater Fishing Regulations
This is the 2003 digest of New Hampshire saltwater fishing laws in PDF format.
New Hampshire Teacher Training Workshops 
New Hampshire Teacher Training Workshops for Projects WILD, Learning Tree &ÊWild Aquatic.
New Hampshire Wildlife Education Programs 
New Hampshire Wildlife Education Programs - an online directory of resources
New Hampshire Wildlife Profiles
Here are a selection of New Hampshire wildlife fact sheets, prepared by Ellen Snyder, Wildlife Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension, in cooperation with the Wildlife Restoration Act and the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.