Results 1 - 15 of at least 41
Anglers Support Education Programs 
New Jersey's angling educaiton web page. Includes teachers' workshops, marine information, caostal workshops, and other resources.
Becoming an Outdoors Woman in New Jersey
The "Becoming an Outdoors-Woman" (B.O.W.) and "Beyond B.O.W." programs have their roots in a workshop conducted at the University of Wisconsin in 1990. The workshop explored the barriers limiting the participation of women in hunting, angling and other forms of outdoor recreation.
Coastal Workshop for Teachers 
The Coastal Workshop For Teachers provides educators with first-hand experience exploring coastal habitats. Increase your knowledge of marine and estuarine ecosystems and discover their value to New Jersey's citizens. Learn how to use coastal sites as outdoor classrooms. Explore ways you can incorporate this information into your teaching.
Enrichment and Training Opportunities - New Jersey DEP
Information on training opportunities for Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, and Project Learning Tree.
Fishing Permits in New Jersey
New Jersey fishing license inforamation
Fishing in New Jersey
Although one of the smallest and most densely populated states in the nation, New Jersey is able to offer many fishing opportunities. From striped bass and American shad fishing in the Delaware River to offshore sport fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey anglers have some of the widest varieties of fishing opportunities available anywhere. - Basic information about fishing in New Jersey
Fishy Who's Who - activity 
This is a pdf file with an activity that teaches students to identify freshwater fish species, identify the values of fish and natural communities where fish live, and locate where fish would live.
Hackettstown State Fish Hatchery
Opened in 1912, the Charles O. Hayford ("Hackettstown") State Fish Hatchery is still producing lots of fish (list of fish stocked 1994-00; distribution summary for 1999; 2000). When trout production was transferred to the PequestTrout Hatchery in 1981, the emphasis in Hackettstown turned to warm and cool water fish.
List of Accessible Fishing Sites
list of more than 50 New Jersey fishing sites which are accessible to people who have difficulty with mobility is available from the Division. Click for the on-line version which is in PDF format* (43kb). The print version is available by sending a $0.37 stamped, self-addressed envelope to: ACCESS, NJ F&W;, 605 Pequest Rd., Oxford, NJ 07863.
NJDEP - InfoFinder
Search the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the information you need.
NJDEP-SEEDS-Beneath the Shell: A Teacher's Guide to Nonpoint Source Pollution an 
The purpose of this teacher's guide for grades 1-8 is to stimulate an awareness and understanding of the sources of nonpoint source pollution, its damaging effects on water quality and its prevention. Through its use students are exposed to other valuable concepts - watersheds, the water cycle, stormwater, and shellfish biology and habitat.
NJDEP-SEEDS-Clean Streets and Clean Beaches Curriculum Package 
This curriculum package for grades 3-5 consists of three items: The Adventures of Camouflage Kid video, the Cleaner Times with Camouflage Kid newspaper for students, and the Cleaner Times teacher's guide. The purpose of this package is to show how litter in the street can travel through storm drains and end up in New Jersey's waterways and along its beaches
NJDEP-SEEDS-Grant Opportunities
This section provides examples of how some of these opportunities are providing funds for environmental education projects. In addition, this section provides information about federal grant opportunities.
NJDEP-SEEDS-Standards for Safe Drinking Water in New Jersey Brochure 
This brochure is written in plain language in a question and answer format, answering frequently asked questions about standards for safe drinking water, regulation of contaminant levels, testing and other related issues. It also includes an insert listing the currently regulated contaminants and the maximum contaminant levels allowed in drinking water in New Jersey.
NJDEP-SEEDS-Volunteer and Community Action Programs
Links to New Jersey DEP volunteer and community action programs. There are lots opportuniites for community servuce in a range of environments.