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Aquatic Wildlife of New Mexico 
Aquatic Wildlife of New Mexico has line drawings of many aquatic fish and insects in their natural habitats. Print the document to make a excellent coloring book. This is a PDF document.
New Mexico Aquatic Resources Education Program 
The Aquatic Resources Education (ARE) program has three related projects that are designed to promote learning about the aquatic environment, angling skills, outdoor ethics and fishing opportunities in the state. The program is mostly funded by anglers through the money provided by the Sports Fish Restoration Act- a federal program that taxes the equipment used by anglers.
New Mexico Boating Safety 
New Mexico Boating Safety with links to Education Programs. Each year, as more and more people experience the pleasures of recreational boating in New Mexico, the need for educated boat operators increases. Whether you own a boat, rent a boat, boat with friends or are planning to purchase a boat, safety is your responsibility.
New Mexico Cold Water Fish
New Mexico Cold Water Fish - A Visual Species Identification Page
New Mexico Conservation Education 
Project WILD, Aquatic Education, Traveling Trunks, Natural History Weekend and more.
New Mexico Conservation Education 
Wildlife trunks on a variety of wildlife species are available for loan to educators. Trunks often contain skulls, skeletal parts such as antlers, horns, etc., hides, scat, tracks, videos, children's literature and a Teachers Guide.
New Mexico Conservation Education Activity Guides 
These are free workshops scheduled to be held in various locations around the state. In most cases, the materials are also free.
New Mexico Fishing rules
New Mexico Fishing fishing regulations. This is a PDF file.
Download PDF File:
New Mexico Game Fish Natural History Information
New Mexico Game Fish Natural History Information: including life histories, habitats, pictures, identification and more.
New Mexico Game and Fish Home Page
New Mexico Game and Fish Home Page
New Mexico Mecury Advisorsies
New Mexico Mecury Advisorsies - fish health warnings and dangers to human health from fish consumption
New Mexico Project Wild Education 
Project WILD is an interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program emphasizing wildlife.
New Mexico Public Fishing Waters Map
This map is a PDF file that outlines public fishing access across New Mexico.
New Mexico Warm Water Fish
New Mexico Warm Water Fish - A visual species comparison
New Mexico Weekly Fishing Reports
New Mexico Fishing Reports for the last week organized by region and body of water.
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