Results 1 - 15 of at least 28
Bald Eagles Soar in Ohio's Skies
The bald eagle, our nation’s symbol, was once an endangered species. But now it is doing very well. For example, in 1979, only four nesting pairs of bald eagles lived in Ohio. As of 2004, our state’s bald eagle population includes more than 100 nesting pairs! Find out more on this Ohio website.
Black Bears are Back!
The good news today is that black bears are back in Ohio! There are about 100 black bears now living in the wild in our state. And some female bears (known as sows) have been seen with cubs, so wildlife biologists know that bears are reproducing and the population is growing. Bears have returned because some forests, their habitat, have grown back. Learn more on this Ohio Division of Wildlife website.
Fish Facts: How old is that fish?
Educational activity in which kids have to become a fish biologist and identify fish measurements, tag information, and growth rings.
Is your school a "Wild School Site"?
Is your school a Wild School Site? It can be if your school grounds provide food, water, shelter, and space for wildlife. Kids can use the provided grid to create a map of the school grounds and indicate where wildlife might live.
Litter Kills
Litter is anything unnatural that is left outdoors. Paper, glass, plastic, and other trash is not only ugly, it can also hurt wild animals. Print the picture and draw how litter could harm wildlife.
Math Made Easy - Fish Fun 
In your role as an Ohio fisheries biologist, you have to determine fish counts and identifications. Play and learn!
ODNR-Division of Wildlife
The Ohio Division of Wildlife has many aquatic and wildlife education programs to offer. Please contact us at 1-800-WILDLIFE in Ohio and surrounding states or 614-265-6300.
Ohio Boating Education Course
Official online boating safety course of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Receive your official Ohio boater certification card.
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Boating & the Environment
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft Clean Boating pages, with waterway cleanups, Litter prevention tips, and more
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Boating Areas
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft pages include boating areas, river and stream access, water releases
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Boating Laws
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft pages on Ohio boating laws including the Ohio Boat Operator's Guide
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Education Opportunities
ODNR/Watercraft Ohio Boating Education Course has home-study, classroom, and on-line options. Ohio boating course listings for US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Power Squadron, and others.
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Education Requirements
Ohio DNR Boater Education Requirements of the new Ohio boater education law
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft: Registration & Titling
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft Registration and Titling pages include fees, registration requirements, registration and titling agent locations and phone numbers
Ohio DNR Division of Watercraft: Accident Statistics
Ohio DNR Div. of Watercraft PWC and boating accident statistics for 1997 & 1998, fatal boating accident statistics for 1999 & 2000