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American Shad Instructor Resources
This page is designed to provide resources for educators relative to the restoration of American Shad and other migratory fishes occurring on the Susquehanna and Delaware River basins in Pennsylvania.
Cold Water Safety for Kids pdf 
Cold Water Safety for Kids pdf file offers kids a way to learn about boating safety and cold water safety online.
Educational Aquatic Field Study Permit Application
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission: Educational Aquatic Field Study Permit Application form. This form exempts young students over 16 years of age from having a valid fishing permit, as required by PA law.
Fast Facts about the Pennsylvania Trout Season
Information on 2003 trout fishing seasons in Pennsylvania.
Go Fish
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has developed this teacher resource PDF document about fish habitats as they are part of a general ecological system.
Habitat and the Brook Trout
This article is the second in a series of articles on the major topics of concern in the Commission's theme, "Conserve 2000." This feature explains the global, regional and local aspects of the topic of fish habitat with the state fish, the brook trout, as the focal point. Because the brook trout is a Pennsylvania native, we can readily see the effects of human activity on this species and its habitat over several hundred years.
Hook Sharpening: Keep those hooks sharp!
Tips on how to make sure that your hooks in the best condition to catch those fish.
Information Paper on PCBs in Hatchery Trout
For 2003, trout stocked form Pennsylvania state hatcheries are subject to the statewide one-meal-per-week consumption advisory. Trout stocked from Pennsylvania state hatcheries are safe to catch, safe to handle and save to eat in moderation in accordance with consumption advisories.
This survey was conducted on behalf of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in order to assess levels of stocked trout consumption among Pennsylvania trout anglers and to determine trout anglers’ awareness of and attitude toward stocked trout consumption advisories. The survey was administered by telephone to 206 randomly selected Pennsylvania anglers who had fished for trout in Pennsylvania in the last 12 months.
Lesson Plan for Youth Field Day Boating Station
The people helping with this station today are employees of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The PFBC is a state agency that is responsible for providing boating and fishing recreation opportunities and also for protecting our aquatic resources. We receive no general fund tax dollars and operate mostly on money received from the sales of fishing licenses and boater registrations.
Nightcrawler Collecting
Every year it seems as if there’s a slew of new gadgets, gizmos and thingamajigs introduced to help anglers catch more fish. Some rattle, others sparkle - many do both and more. While these novelties will likely catch their share of fish, there’s a low-tech lure that’s tried and true on early-season trout: nightcrawlers.
Nightcrawler Collecting for Trout Fishing
Every year it seems as if there’s a slew of new gadgets, gizmos and thingamajigs introduced to help anglers catch more fish. Some rattle, others sparkle - many do both and more. While these novelties will likely catch their share of fish, there’s a low-tech lure that’s tried and true on early-season trout: nightcrawlers.
PA Fish and Boat Commission Education Resources Catalog
The PBFC Online Education Resources Catalog includes topics such as amphibians and reptiles, aquatic habitat, boating and water safety, conservation, critters, ethics, fish, fishing, where to boat, pollution, water and wetlands.
PFBC Canoe Loaner Guidelines
Rules for borrowing Pennsylvania Boat and Fish Commission canoes.
PFBC Instructor Information and Materials
Water safety and fishing documents are available from the state of PA. Many are in PDF format. Boating lesson plan, water rescue, and boating safety awareness are among the topics.