Results 1 - 15 of at least 34
2000 South Carolina Fish Consumption Advisories
2000 South Carolina Fish Consumption Advisories - information on risks to human health from consumption of certain contaminated fish species
Biodiversity in our Backyards
Life Science Standards; Basic needs of animals, habitats, food chains, habitats change over time, natural and human influences affect survival of species. Math and Social Studies extensions are included. Time to Complete: four class periods Grade level: Third, fourth and fifth
Boat South Carolina: Video boating courses with official boater certification ca
Offical video boating courses for South Carolina with boater certification, sponsored by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Receive your official South Carolina boater certification card.
Mystery fish from South Carolina
Marine Research Opportunities in South Carolina
For more than ten years, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources- Marine Resources Division, has been providing research experiences for undergraduate minority students through its summer internship program. Students have the opportunity to conduct high quality research with dedicated scientists and learn new and exciting information about marine sciences. They can also develop skills in scientific literature review, project development, data processing and analysis, report writing and oral presentation.
Name the Fish
A game where a random image of a fish is placed on the screeen, and you guess the species. A great quiz game.
Project WET SC
The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and through the establishment of state and internationally sponsored Project WET programs.
Reel Kids - Fishing education in South Carolina
Hey Kids! Would you like to go fishing? Fishing and being outdoors are great ways to have fun. You can learn about and enjoy your environment, too. You?ll have a chance to encounter all kinds of plants and animals. Whether you fish in a pond, lake, stream, river, or ocean, you are probably going to see wildlife!
Reel Kids Goals for the Youth Master Angler
Reel Kids Goals for the Youth Master Anglerand the South Carolina State Science Standards* Refer to for standards in their entirety. Goals and Standards for South Carolina educators.
SABSOON Fish Watch
Visit a reef fish community on the ocean floor! Please note that there are new images at this site daily when the cameras are functioning properly. Please come back and visit us again soon!
SC Envirothon
The Envirothon is a program for high school students to learn more about our natural environment. The spirit of competition motivates athletes, drives successful businesses and stimulates new ideas. The Envirothon tests the student's knowledge on topics such as soils, water resources, forestry, wildlife and current environmental issues.
SC Reel Kids Goals - SCDNR
South Carolina Reel Kids at a glance...Program designed to be fun, educational and hands-on. As a South Carolina Reel Kid, children will work toward goals like catching that first fish, learning about fish and improving fish habitat.
SC Reel Kids and the 
Many SC Reel Kids activities also correlate with math, language arts, health, and social studies standards. *SC Reel Kids activities are noted in the right hand column. Activities are identified by the activity numbers as listed in the Goals Checklist portion of participants’ packets.
The South Carolina Marine Game Fish Tagging Program is a program that not only benefits anglers but is conducted by anglers...
Soutch Carolina Fishing tackle loaner program
Soutch Carolina Fishing tackle loaner program. Information about this program brought to you by the SCDNR.