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Aquatic Animals of the Texas Gulf Coast
Aquatic Animals of the Texas Gulf Coast - this page provides information, identification and natural history resources for Texas coast aquatic animals.
Boat Safety -The PFD Page
Texas Boat Safety -The PFD Page, Information on personal floatation devices. When selecting a PFD, the proper size is important. Too small may not keep you afloat and too large may come off on impact if you are suddenly thrown into the water. A PFD should be snug around the torso and when lifting on the shoulder straps, should not come past the bottom of the ears. PFD’s are sized by weight and chest size and should be tried on before purchasing to assure a proper fit for the person that will be wearing it.
Come Aboard for Boater Education!
Texas Boating Education Information. Boating courses are taught by US Coast Guard Auxiliary, US Power Squadron and trained volunteer instructors, as well as teachers, and game wardens. With more and more people enjoying the lakes and rivers every year, it's important, for everyone, that boaters educate themselves on boating skills and seamanship.
Largemouth Bass Virus Fact Sheet
Largemouth Bass Virus Fact Sheet - Texas: It is one of more than 100 naturally occurring viruses that affect fish but not warm-blooded animals. Origin is unknown, but it is related to a virus found in frogs and other amphibians and nearly identical to a virus isolated in fish imported to the United States for the aquarium trade. Although the virus apparently can be carried by other fish species, to date, it has produced disease only in largemouth bass. The virus is spread through contact with other infected fish or contaminated water.
Teaching WILD - Texas Parks & Wildlife 
Teaching WILD Main Page - with Project WILD program information and various Texas adaptations
Texas Adopt-A-Wetland Education Program 
The Adopt a Wetland Program teaches wetland conservation, ecology and economics through a hands-on education program.
Texas Boating - Buoys Identification Page
This page displays buoys and their meanings. The traffic signs of the water, buoys and markers, are important information for the boater. These waterway signs help the boat operator identify danger areas and restricted zones
Texas Boating - Registration and Titles
Texas Boating - Registration and Titles - all you need to know about these important regulations.
Texas Coastal FAQ's page
Frequently asked questions and their answers about Texas Coastal resources, fish, mangement and more.
Texas Coastal Fishing Activities
Texas Recreational coastal fishing link page with links to all the pertinent information you need.
Texas Coastal Fishing Main Page
Texas Coastal Fisheries Index Page - Find links to all the coastal fishing information you need.
Texas Fish Records
Texas Fish Records
Texas Fishing
Welcome: Texas Parks & Wildlife Inland and Coastal Fishing Pages.
Texas Fishing - An Introduction
Texas is blessed with a wealth of fishing opportunities -- 370 miles of coast, 212 major reservoirs, 191,000 miles of rivers and streams (3,700 named streams and 15 major rivers) and 4 million acres of coastal tidelands. Whether you're trolling for sailfish in the Gulf of Mexico or casting for native bass at Guadalupe River State Park, you'll find that Texas can rightfully claim to be one of the premier fishing states in the country.
Texas Fishing Education Page 
Texas Fishing Education Page- introduction to fishing in Texas with links for educators