Results 1 - 15 of at least 27
EEK! Environmental Education for Kids 
EEK! Environmental Education for Kids an interactive online magazine brought to you by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. EEK! is designed for children in grades 4-8 and provides accurate and current information on natural resources and career information. EEK! also offers students the opportunity to take part in activities, make seasonal observations, and share stories and artwork.
Fish Wisconsin for Kids 
Links for kids. Fishing and outdoor recreation sites provided by the Wisconsin DNR
Fishing Wisconsin: Regulations for 2004-2005
To assist Wisconsin anglers with their fishing, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) produces several fishing regulation pamphlets which are specific to the species of fish and, in some cases, the waterbody. Generally, fishing seasons do not coincide with the calendar year. Be sure that you are familiar with the correct fishing regulations for the season, species and waterbody on which you are fishing.
Ice Fishing Wisconsin
Fishing action can be fast and furious when winter seals the lakes under ice. Best of all, there are no bugs to pester you! Read on for some tips to help you get started fishing safely, then load your gear onto your sled and head for the nearest shanty town!
Manging Walley on the Winnebago System
An overview of walley management efforts on the Winnebago system. This is a PDF file
The wet world where we work -- Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine
Introduction to a special section on DNR's Fisheries Management and Habitat Protection program. By Mike Staggs. February 2001 Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine.
WDNR - Draft Lake Sturgeon Management Plan
Lake Sturgeon Management Program of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Fisheries Management & Habitat Protection
WDNR - Fish Consumption Advisories - Index
This webpage has links to documents that outline Wisconsin's fish consumptions advisories.
WDNR - Fishing Wisconsin - Angler Education 
Wisconsin Department of Natural Angler Education Program provides training for adult volunteers to offer fishing programs in their schools and communities.You can be a part of Wisconsin's conservation tradition by getting involved in the Angler Education Program. Angler Education helps to provide youth with the opportunity to: master basic fishing skills; explore Wisconsin's aquatic resources;
develop a set of ethics to help ensure that Wisconsin's lakes and streams will remain bountiful for generations to come.
WDNR - General Information & Fish Management
General information about fish and fish management in Wisconsin.
WDNR - Ice Fishing in Wisconsin
Information on Ice Fishing in Wisconsin
WDNR - Lake Michigan Fisheries Home Page
Bureau of Fisheries and Habitat Protection, Lake Michigan Fishing web site. Here you can find out about current and past management reports and request to have one sent to you. You can also take a self-guided tour through the Root River Steelhead Facility or view pictures and read about the fish of Lake Michigan.
WDNR - Master Fish File
The Master Fish File contains over 22,000 fish collections in Wisconsin from 1890 to present. This database is available for downloading at If you have Paradox for Windows v. 9.0 on your IBM type PC you don't have to download the Master Fish File - file. This file is for a free Runtime version of this Paradox application. Once you have download and installed the application, you can query the database by selecting values for one or more of its variables at the same time. It then generates two types of reports with the results of your individual query. The ftp site contains a readme.txt file that along with the file (in Word97) explains how to install, run, and interpret the reports. Both versions of this application are very user friendly! If you are running Windows NT on your PC, you will need to logon as an Administrator to install the Runtime version. The database is routinely updated so you may need to download the latest version of the file in the future.
WDNR - Relative Abundance of Fish in Wisconsin Lakes
How to use PDF version of Wisconsin Lakes to find relative abundance of fish in Wisconsin lakes
WDNR - Rivers Management Program
Home Page of Wisconsin DNR River Management Program