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Alabama Estuaries Provide Sportfish Angling Opportunities
Fishing Alabama's estuaries for bass, bream, redfish, flounder, speckled trout and sheepshead.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems is an international journal dedicated to publishing original papers that relate specifically to freshwater, brackish or marine habitats and encouraging work that spans these ecosystems.
Bay Grasses 
The Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, will continue its successful Bay Grasses in Classes program. Students from more than 250 schools across the watershed will grow Wild Celery and Sago Pondweed in their classrooms.
Bays, Streams and Coastal Bays: Maryland DNR
It is the responsibility of Maryland DNR to manage the Bays, Streams and Coastal Bays that lie within or tie into Maryland's watersheds.
Chesapeake Bay Front Page
Chesapeake Bay content area of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides information on the Chesapeake Bay.
Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (DNERR) is a cooperative program between the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The goal of the program is to establish, protect, and manage natural estuarine habitats for research and education.
EPA Oceans and Coastal Protection Home
Overview of Ocean and Coastal Protection activities and programs, including coral reefs, marine debris, dredge material management, atmospheric deposition program, and the National Estuary Program.
EPA's National Estuary Program
Overview of the National Estuary Program, and profiles of the 28 estuaries in the program.
Education within the Reserve System
National Estuarine Research Reserves offer education and training for professionals that make decisions about coastal resources on a regular basis such as planners, conservation council members, resource managers and community leaders. The Coastal Training Program ensures that community members have the science-based information they need to make decisions about coastal resources.
Estuarine Mesocosm Page
Toxicology, chemistry and ecology issues pertinent to the marine and estuarine habitats of the Southeastern U. S. are the focus of Marine Ecotoxicology. A major goal is to establish linkages between land use and the presence of chemical contaminants in the marine environment. Interdisciplinary research is focused on identifying chemical and bacterial contaminants associated with anthropogenic inputs from agriculture, urbanization, dredging operations, and industrial discharges and their resulting toxicological and ecological impacts on marine and estuarine ecosystems.
Harmful Algae
List of locations that have harmful algea blooms in Maryland tidal areas.
Maryland Chesapeake Bay Monitoring
The Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program measures key components of the ecosystem, including pollutant inputs, water quality, habitat and living resources.
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
Our Mission: to protect and preserve Narragansett Bay through partnerships that conserve and restore natural resources, enhance water quality and promote community involvement.
New York Marine Habitat Protection
New York's marine habitats support a diverse array of fish, wildlife, and plant species. These productive areas include tidal wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation like eelgrass, estuaries and open waters,mud and sandflats, and natural and artificial reefs.
ODFW Marine Resources Program
General information about Oregon's Marine Resources Program