Results 1 - 15 of at least 28
A Citizens Streambank Restoration Handbook
These are the last of our 1995 guide, written by Karen Firehock, Jacqueline Doherty and Jay West. This 171-page guide to restoring eroding streambanks using vegetation and flexible systems, such as live fascines, to stabilize streambanks and restore stream corridors. Features installation guidelines, sample budgets, case studies and tips for choosing the best solution for your stream. The text comes ready to insert into a 1" 3-ring binder. The "Restoring the Range" supplement is no longer included.
American Shad Instructor Resources
Links to a number of american shad based lesson plans
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography comprehensive website incuding job bulletin, publications and more.
Aquaculture Network Information Center
AquaNIC is the gateway to the world's aquaculture resources.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems is an international journal dedicated to publishing original papers that relate specifically to freshwater, brackish or marine habitats and encouraging work that spans these ecosystems.
Aquatic Sciences Database
Aquatic Sciences Database is intended to facilitate interactions within the Aquatic Sciences community by allowing individuals to search and locate others working in similar areas.
BioFilter Aquatic Information Center
Aquatic Library and Information Center
Bioindicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress
The Biological Indicators home page contains information about the Biological Indicators Program in the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Biological indicators have been developed and applied at a variety of field sites in the eastern United States to assess and evaluate the effects that environmental stressors such as contaminants have on the health of aquatic organisms, populations, and communities.
Field Guide to Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
This handy reference tool is designed to help volunteer monitors identify aquatic macroinvertebrates when conducting water quality surveys. The laminated brochure is convenient and durable for outdoor use. The diagrams of the macroinvertebrate larvae and adults are grouped by biological type and display common features that characterize each animal. Symbols indicate the relative sensitivity categories (sensitive, less sensitive, and tolerant) based on the general Save Our Streams classification system. Most macroinvertebrates are identified to the order level for easy and accurate identification in the field.
Fish Consumption Guidelines due to Mercury Contamination
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Environment Department, and Department of Health have collaborated on a document about fish consumption and safety with regard to mercury. This document is in pdf format.
Hands On Save Our Streams - Science Project Guide for Students
by Karen Firehock. Students companion guide to the SOS teachers manual. Contains project ideas, monitoring instructions and information about stream ecology. Takes students through the steps to plan a successful science fair or community project. Includes monitoring instructions and data forms. Recommended for grades six through 12.
Living in Water Curriculum 
This aquatic science curriculum is for students grades 5-7. This 400-page teacher?s manual includes information and hands-on activities to teach aquatic science. Most of the equipment needed for these activities can be found around the house. Includes 14 exercises.
Mercury in the Upper Midwest (1999)
14 pages. Examines the extent of mercury-contaminated game fish in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan; the largest sources of mercury in each, and the states' policies to reduce mercury emisssion and releases. Also encourages anglers to follow fish advisories to reduce their families' risk of mercury poisoning.
Monitor's Guide to Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
by Loren K. Larkin. A 60-page non-technical guide to the major orders of aquatic insect larvae and crustaceans. Includes a dichotomous key to help you identify stream organisms and a detailed description of each organism, including tips for proper identification. Great for stream monitors, schools and anglers
North American Association for Environmental Education
EE-Link is a WWW directory for Internet resources in environmental education. Developed for K-12 educators, EE-Link offers comprehensive information on organizations, classroom resources, literature, grants and jobs. The site is a project of the North American Association for Environmental Education Network, a partner in the US EPA-funded Environmental Education and Training Partership.