Results 1 - 15 of at least 57
Alaska Division of Air Quality Home Page
Alaska's Division of Air Quality staff work as public servants to Alaskans, to provide leadership and technical assistance in preventing and solving public health and environmental problems that affect our lives. The air quality services of the division are designed around three programs: managing non-point and mobile sources of air pollution; managing stationary out-of-stack discharges of air pollution through a permit and compliance program; and field air monitoring to measure progress and understand problems.
American Water Resources Association
Home page of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), an organization dedicated to improving the management of our aquatic resources.
Bioindicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress
The Biological Indicators home page contains information about the Biological Indicators Program in the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Biological indicators have been developed and applied at a variety of field sites in the eastern United States to assess and evaluate the effects that environmental stressors such as contaminants have on the health of aquatic organisms, populations, and communities.
California DFG Streambed Alteration Program
The Department of Fish and Game (Department) is responsible for conserving, protecting, and managing California's fish, wildlife, and native plantÊresources.Ê To meet this responsibility, the law requires any person , state or local government agency, or public utility proposing a project that may impact a river, stream, or lake to notify the Department before beginning the project
Chemical Contamination in Fish: U.S. EPA Student Center
This is a Windows update of the original FISH program. It contains video clips illustrating concepts such as bioaccumulation, and risk reduction techniques (including cooking and filleting tips). Users can search a list of chemical contaminants and learn about their effects, or see photos and video of target species.
Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has conducted a volunteer water quality monitoring program since 1985 and is a model for other communities. This article is part of the EPA "cook book" of successful environmental efforts and ideas for communities, organizations, businesses and governments to emulate.
Colorado River Water Watch Network
The Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) developed an exciting and far-reaching program that involves middle/junior high and high school students and their teachers in protecting the quality of Colorado rivers. Called "Rivers of Colorado Water Watch Network" (ROCWWN), or "River Watch", the program links education with environmental protection in a meaningful, hands-on project for Colorado students.
Connecticut Clean Vessel Act Program
Connecticut Clean Vessel Act Program Home Page - This website will help you find a pumpout facility near you, and to install or upgrade sewage holding tank systems to be in compliance with existing laws governing marine sanitation devices (MSD's). You will find information on how to choose a system, sewage system design and the selection of system components, plus helpful tips for installation and maintenance. You will also find information about the Federal Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program.
Connecticut Environmental and Health Updates
Connecticut Environmental and Health Updates, including mercury reports, fish consumption advisories, forest fire warnings, water and air quality information, lobster reports and more.
Connecticut Project SEARCH - Water Quality Education 
The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the Science Center of Connecticut developed Project SEARCH as a science and mathematics systemic change initiative. Since then, 224 teachers from 123 public and private high schools throughout Connecticut have been trained and equipped to conduct stream water quality monitoring and data analysis.
Connecticut Water Quality Standards & Classifications Summary
The Water Quality Standards and Criteria (WQS) (PDF, 450KB) are an important element in Connecticut's clean water program. The WQS set an overall policy for management of Connecticut's surface and groundwaters in accordance with the directives provided by Section 22a-426 of the General Statutes and Section 303 of the Federal Clean Water Act. Find more information about Connecticut Water Quality Standards & Classifications Summary here. 1996-1997.
Cookbook of Inovations in Coastal Protection
"Innovations in Coastal Protection: Searching for Uncommon Solutions to Common Problems," more commonly referred to as the "coastal cookbook," is an organized collection of successful coastalprotection initiatives - recipes - from across the country. Project summaries of successful initiatives are included in three general topic areas
Delaware Fish Health Advisories
Delaware Fish Health Advisories information from the DNR
EPA > Water > Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds > Oceans, Coasts, and Estuaries > R
EPA's site for information about navigating and complying with environmental regulations on US naviagable waters
EPA Fish Consumption Advisories
Public health and safety information from the EPA on the risks associated with eating certain contaminated fish species.