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American Shad Instructor Resources
Links to a number of american shad based lesson plans
Biology of Fishes, Marine Biology Learning Center
coral reef fish, fish ecology, marine biology, marine science, oceanography, dolphins, online science courses, coral bleaching, general ecology, marine ecology, conservation
California Wild and Heritage Trout
California is home to an amazing variety of native trout.(view trout) Few places can boast as many types of rainbow, golden, redband, or cutthroat trout as the Golden State. Unfortunately, during the past 150 years, human activitities have taken their toll on our natural heritage. Human activities have altered and damaged the health of the habitat that supports these trout. In the past, we have introduced non-native trout that have replaced the native trout through predation, competition, and hybridization. Several of these fish are now listed as threatened or endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act and others have been proposed for listing. The bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) which was once found in the McCloud River, is now extinct in California.
Chemical Contamination in Fish: U.S. EPA Student Center
This is a Windows update of the original FISH program. It contains video clips illustrating concepts such as bioaccumulation, and risk reduction techniques (including cooking and filleting tips). Users can search a list of chemical contaminants and learn about their effects, or see photos and video of target species.
Coho Slamon
This PDF file is packed with information about Oregon's Coastal Salmon.
Colorado Trout and Whirling Disease
Colorado Whirling Disease information source
Fish Disease
Information on fish disease and many of the diseases in freshwater fish.,1607,7-153-10364_109...
Fisheries: Aerial Census of British Columbia Salmon Purse Seiners--Fleet Dynamic
Fisheries: Aerial Census of British Columbia Salmon Purse Seiners--Fleet Dynamics, Exploitation Rates, Spatial Analysis, and Catch Rates
Glossary of Fisheries Terms - Iowa DNR
A Glossary of Fisheries Terms presented by the Iowa DNR.
Habitat and the Brook Trout
This article is the second in a series of articles on the major topics of concern in the Commission's theme, "Conserve 2000." This feature explains the global, regional and local aspects of the topic of fish habitat with the state fish, the brook trout, as the focal point. Because the brook trout is a Pennsylvania native, we can readily see the effects of human activity on this species and its habitat over several hundred years.
Science-based Mangement of Hatcheries and Harvest
Wild salmon recovery information from the WDFW, Stillaguamish Tribe, and Tulalip Tribes.
Sea Urchin Embryology 
This is a site devoted to the interaction of a leading lab at Stanford University, under Dr. David Epel, with high school science teachers.
WDFW - The Changing Roles of Hatcheries and Harvest in Wild Salmonid Management
This is a document that describes the relationship between hatcheries and harvest management in recovery of wild salmon in Washington state.
WDFW -- Warmwater Fish of Washington
An overview of warmwater fish in Washington State.
WDFW -- Washington's Native Chars
In the cold, clear waters of the Pacific Northwest, some of the world's most important and beautiful fish--the trout, salmon and char--have evolved. But none of these native salmonids (the name used for members of the Salmonidae family) are as pretty or as mysterious as our native char, the Dolly Varden and bull trout.