Results 1 - 15 of at least 65
"Learn How To Fly Fish" curriculum designed for colleges and universities as a credit course
AFS Youth Guide - for educators
This publication, developed by the AFS Education Section, provides an inventory and review of a variety of aquatic resource education materials and programs available to teachers and aquatic resources instructors. All the materials were evaluated based on goals, key issues, and concepts that were identified by a panel of experts to be important for fisheries education. Each review includes the name of the material, the year it was developed, the cost, where it can be obtained, and a description of the content and objectives. A comprehensive summary chart profiles, at a glance, the target audience and how well the material meets eight issues key to fisheries education. This guide is unique in that it focuses on fisheries content rather than on specific education objectives.
Angling Education Workshop Leader Training - Virginia 
Sample Agenda for a One-day Leader Training Workshop - SAREP - Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries Online
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Educational Programs
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Education programs and materials source
Become a partner in Virginia Angling Education! 
If you are interested in teaching fishing, or organizing a fishing education program, for your community, school or organization, think about becoming a partner in angling education. Leader Training Workshops are available that will help you obtain the skills to offer programs like fishing clinics, courses and clubs. This link contains workshop information
Fish for Fun Events 
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's Fish For Fun (FFF) program assists civic-minded organizations in scheduling youth fishing clinics and fishing rodeos.
Fishermen Promote Habitat Education and Protection
The F.I.S.H. Habitat Education Program involves fishermen nationwide in efforts to educate their peers, school children, and the public at large about the habitat problems facing coastal fish and what can be done to curtail this loss
A Christian Ministry that promotes Fishing, Fellowship, and Biblical Principles.
Fishing For Kids!
Welcome to the place where kids can learn about fishing in Utah and even share "fish stories". This is a fun site with games and information for younger anglers.
Fishing Tackle Loaner Program
The Fishing Tackle Loaner Program is designed to make fishing equipment available to anyone who wants to fish but lacks the equipment to try it. With more than 550 fishing tackle loaner sites already in existence, the program continues to grow with the help of fishing tackle manufacturers, fish and wildlife agencies, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fishing is Fun Comic Strip 
The Future Fishing Foundation and Outdoor Management Network Inc. bring you a fun how to fish comic strip online for kids.
Fishy Games for Kids 
We sure believe fishing is funtastic here in Colorado. We hope you do, too! Fishing gives you a chance to enjoy nature and have fun with others. Anyone can learn to fish! These games can help you learn new fishing terms and will even help you cast better!
Fishy Who's Who - activity 
This is a pdf file with an activity that teaches students to identify freshwater fish species, identify the values of fish and natural communities where fish live, and locate where fish would live.
GORP - Introduction - Teaching Kids to Fish
A story about teaching kids to fish. It's never too late to start a kid fishing. And it's never too early either. In my extended family, we have more kids than worms in a Styrofoam cup. We have taught all of them how to fish from about the time they could walk without much of a wobble.
GORP - Introduction - Women and Flyfishing
Flyfishing is more popular today than ever before?and part of that growth is due to the influx of women into the sport. Fishing is no longer a men's only club. Women from all walks of life are getting in on it, whether they are single careerists, retired grandmothers, or everyone else in between.