Results 1 - 15 of at least 202
"Learn How To Fly Fish" curriculum designed for colleges and universities as a credit course
AFS Youth Guide - for educators
This publication, developed by the AFS Education Section, provides an inventory and review of a variety of aquatic resource education materials and programs available to teachers and aquatic resources instructors. All the materials were evaluated based on goals, key issues, and concepts that were identified by a panel of experts to be important for fisheries education. Each review includes the name of the material, the year it was developed, the cost, where it can be obtained, and a description of the content and objectives. A comprehensive summary chart profiles, at a glance, the target audience and how well the material meets eight issues key to fisheries education. This guide is unique in that it focuses on fisheries content rather than on specific education objectives.
All Science Fair Projects 
Hundreds of free Science Fair Projects with Instructions and Explanations. This page focuses on oceanography.
Backyard Conservation
"Backyard Conservation" shows you how conservation practices that are used on agricultural land across the country to conserve and improve natural resources can be adapted for use on the land around your home. These practices help the environment and can make your yard more attractive and enjoyable.
Becoming an Outdoors Woman in New Jersey
The "Becoming an Outdoors-Woman" (B.O.W.) and "Beyond B.O.W." programs have their roots in a workshop conducted at the University of Wisconsin in 1990. The workshop explored the barriers limiting the participation of women in hunting, angling and other forms of outdoor recreation.
Becoming an Outdoors Woman in Utah
Becoming an Outdoors Woman is an outdoor skills workshop designed to give women the opportunity to learn skills related to hunting, angling and camping. The workshop offers information, encouragement and hands-on instruction in 25 different subjects dealing with outdoor skills. Sessions include: Introduction to firearms and firearm safety, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery, fishing, outdoor photography, camping, campfire cooking, survival skills, wildlife identification, map & compass, game calling, bird watching, ATV riding and horseback riding.
Bell Museum of Natural History Online Eco-Games 
The Bell Museum of Natural History in Minnesota brings you Online Eco-Games that offer kids the chance to learn and play online.
Biodiversity in our Backyards
Life Science Standards; Basic needs of animals, habitats, food chains, habitats change over time, natural and human influences affect survival of species. Math and Social Studies extensions are included. Time to Complete: four class periods Grade level: Third, fourth and fifth
Biology Learning Center -Online Science Courses
Comprehensive resources on marine science related topics including coral reef biology, biodiversity, bleaching, fishes, ecology, animal behavior, dolphins, and oceanography. Ethical Angler
If you're like most anglers today, you care about protecting fish and their habitat - and about the future of sport fishing. That's why BoatU.S. and the National Marine Fisheries Service teamed up to produce a code of angling ethics and The Ethical Angler campaign. The code is a simple tool that experienced anglers can use to spread the word about responsible fishing practices to new generations of anglers.
Cayman Heritage Foundation
Cayman Maritime is a maritime preservation and educational organization based in the Cayman Islands. We have active Catboat races and at present have children's and ladies' Catboat repair, restoration and sailing programs. We also have a manuscript for a 320-page pictorial essay on the Caymanian Sailing Sea Turtle history.
Center for Environmental Research Education -- Connecticut
The Department of Environmental Protection's Center for Environmental Research Education focuses on environmental monitoring, inventorying and research methods in the areas ofFresh Water and Marine Ecology, Terrestrial Systems Ecology, and Environmental Science Education.
Chesapeake Bay Education 
Chesapeake Bay content area of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides information on the Chesapeake Bay.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Environmental Education
Since 1972, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has worked to restore and protect the health of the Chesapeake Bay through programs that educate students and adults, restore vital habitat, reduce pollution, and advocate for effective policies and legislation. Click here to learn more!
Coastal Workshop for Teachers 
The Coastal Workshop For Teachers provides educators with first-hand experience exploring coastal habitats. Increase your knowledge of marine and estuarine ecosystems and discover their value to New Jersey's citizens. Learn how to use coastal sites as outdoor classrooms. Explore ways you can incorporate this information into your teaching.