Results 1 - 15 of at least 75
Adopt Your Watershed: U.S. EPA Students' Center
Adopt Your Watershed: U.S. EPA Students' Center maintains a database of more than 3,000 groups that you might want to join, plus check out Fifteen Things You can Do to Make a Difference in Your Watershed.
American Shad Instructor Resources
Links to a number of american shad based lesson plans
American Shad Instructor Resources
This page is designed to provide resources for educators relative to the restoration of American Shad and other migratory fishes occurring on the Susquehanna and Delaware River basins in Pennsylvania.
Aquatic Resources Education Association 
The Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) is a not for profit organization dedicated to supporting the efforts of its members to provide the highest quality aquatic resources education programs possible.
Aquatic Wildlife of New Mexico 
Aquatic Wildlife of New Mexico has line drawings of many aquatic fish and insects in their natural habitats. Print the document to make a excellent coloring book. This is a PDF document.
Bay Grasses 
The Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, will continue its successful Bay Grasses in Classes program. Students from more than 250 schools across the watershed will grow Wild Celery and Sago Pondweed in their classrooms.
Caring for Aqautics Through Conservation Habits (NCCATCH) 
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's Caring for Aquatics Through Conservation Habits (NCCATCH) program provides opportunities for adults to instruct kids in discovering and conserving aquatic environments.
Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education Program
CARE classes introduce you to the wonders of water, fish and fishing. Our Certified Instructors pass along the knowledge they have learned through years of angling. Videos, demonstrations and activities teach and entertain youths and adults alike. The program is comprised of free classes and outdoor workshops which foster resource stewardship, promote an understanding of aquatic systems and fishery management decisions and encourage both an understanding and utilization of aquatic resources.
Connecticut Project SEARCH - Water Quality Education 
The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and the Science Center of Connecticut developed Project SEARCH as a science and mathematics systemic change initiative. Since then, 224 teachers from 123 public and private high schools throughout Connecticut have been trained and equipped to conduct stream water quality monitoring and data analysis.
Conservation Education - New Mexico Wildlife Notes 
Fact sheets on New Mexico fish and wildlife species.
Delaware Aquatic Resource Education Program 
Delaware Aquatic Resource Education Program Information including an interactive wetlands game.
Educating Young People About Water 
Educating Young People About Water (EYPAW) guides and water curricula database provide assistance for developing a community-based, youth water education program. These resources target youth and link educators to key community members to build partnerships to meet common water education goals.
Educating Young People About Water: Choosing curricula from the EYPAW database
Information about the Educating Young People about Water Database including criteria for selection, curricula based on grade level, and topics covered.
Educating Young People About Water: Guides
Looking for ways to make a difference by beginning or improving a youth water education program? The following materials will guide you through the process and will help you link water education to community action. Each guide addresses a different aspect of the process.
Educating Young People About Water: List of all Water-Related Curricula
Over 100 water-related curricula with summaries are listed here for teachers and educators.