Results 1 - 15 of at least 35
Basic Fishing: Catching the Fishing Fever
Basics of fishing including tackle, casting, techniques, and caring for the catch are included in this pdf document.
Kentucky Afield News Release - April 2, 2004
Give the gift of fishing: take a family member's how to do it.
Kentucky Aquatic Education 
Kentucky Conservation Education Materials for Teachers and Students.
Kentucky Big River Ecosystem Teacher's Guide 
Venture into the World of Kentucky's Big River Ecosystem with this Teacher's Guide in pdf format
Kentucky Conservation Education 
Kentucky Conservation Education Resources for Teachers and Students
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Home Page
Kentucky Disability License Exemption Information
KRS 150.175 (aa) states that Kentucky residents certified totally and permanently disabled are eligible to purchase the discounted Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting and Fishing License ($5), but must first obtain a disability authorization card to be able to purchase this special license.
Kentucky Fish
This booklet is intended to serve as a reference to fishes commonly encountered by anglers. Kentucky has a total of 242 species of fish, which represents one of the most diverse assemblages in North America.
Kentucky Fishing Page
Kenctucky fishing information online.
Kentucky Freshwater Fish Records
Kentucky Freshwater Fish Records
Kentucky Safe Boating Certification
SAFE BOATING CERTIFICATION is mandatory for children from 12 through 17 years old who operate a personal watercraft . . .
Kentucky Sport fishing and Boating Laws - PDF Format
The digest of Kentucky's sportfish and boating laws. This is a 42 page file that duplicates the digest distributed with fishing licenses.
Kentucky fishing report
Kentucky fishing reports - where to find the fishing hotspots.
Ky Dept of Fish and Wildlife
This guide provides information on how often fish may be safely eaten and advisories on current conditions. Most fish are healthy to eat and are an excellent source of low-fat protein.
Ky Dept of Fish and Wildlife - Aquatic Insect Indentification Links
Links to aquatic insect identifications are found here.